
Alkhafaji, N., & Marchesi, G. (2020). Naram-Sin’s War against Armanum and Ebla in a Newly-Discovered Inscription from Tulul al-Baqarat. Journal of Near Eastern Studies, 79(1), 1–20.
Archi, A. (Ed.). (1988). Eblaite Personal Names and Semitic Name-giving : Papers of a Symposium Held in Rome, July 15-17, 1985. Missione archeologica italiana in Siria.
Archi, A. (2002). Jewels for the Ladies of Ebla. Zeitschrift Für Assyriologie Und Vorderasiatische Archäologie, 92, 161–199.
☞ In this paper, Archi focuses on the gifts delivered to court ladies on their marriages or funerary ceremonies. He considers eleven case studies: six marriages (those of i-ti-mu-udti-a-i-šarri₂-i₃-duar-za-duzu-ga-LUM) and four funerals (those of gi-mi-NI-za-duda-ri-ib-da-muti-iš-te-da-mudu-si-gu₂). In addition, Archi also takes into consideration ti-ne-ib₂-du-rum’s consecration as priestess (DAM.DINGIR). After a detailed analysis of the gifts delivered on these occasions, Archi concludes that upon their deaths women received the same set of garments and jewels delivered to them on the occasion of their weddings. He further proceeds describing the full set of garments and jewels generally delivered to high ranking women upon these occasions. He then investigates the gifts generally brought by the deceased to their ancestors, and concludes with a few remarks on the wailing rite. A detailed index of the jewels considered in this study is included. Note that the following quoted documents have since been published: ARET XV 29 = TM.75.G.1567; MEE 7 29 = TM.75.G.1705; MEE 7 50 = TM.75.G.1781; MEE 10 20 = TM.75.G.1860; MEE 10 29 = TM.75.G.1918; ARET XV 47 = TM.75.G.2165; ARET XX 25 = TM.75.G.2334; MEE 12 35 = TM.75.G.2428; MEE 12 35 = TM.75.G.2508. Furthermore, ARET XII 874 = TM.75.G.5317 has been published as a fragment, but in this study is quoted as TM.75.G.1250+TM.75.G.5317.
Archi, A. (2015). The Tablets of the Throne Room of the Royal Palace G of Ebla. Archiv Für Orientforschung, 53, 9–18.
Archi, A. (2018). Administrative Texts: Allotments of Clothing for the Palace Personnel (Archive L. 2769). Harrassowitz.
Archi, A. (2019). “Palace” at Ebla: An Emic Approach. In D. Wicke (Ed.), Der Palast im antiken und islamischen Orient: 9. Internationales Colloquium der Deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft, 30. März - 1. April 2016, Frankfurt am Main (pp. 1–33). Harrassowitz.
Archi, A. (2020). The Overseers of the Teams of Mules and Asses, ugula surx-BAR.AN/IGI.NITA. Asia Anteriore Antica. Journal of Ancient Near Eastern Cultures, 2, 45–51.
Archi, A. (2022). Publication of the Archives of Ebla: A Report on the Work in Progress. Studia Eblaitica, 8, 29–41.
Archi, A. (2023). Annual Documents of Deliveries (mu-DU) to the Central Administration: Archive L.2769. Harrassowitz Verlag.
Archi, A., & Biga, M. G. (2003). A Victory over Mari and the Fall of Ebla. Journal of Cuneiform Studies, 55, 1–44.
Archi, A., Biga, M. G., & Milano, L. (1988). Studies in Eblaite Prosopography. In A. Archi (Ed.), Eblaite Personal Names and Semitic Name-Giving. Papers of a Symposium Held in Rome July 15-17, 1985 (pp. 205–306).
Archi, A., Piacentini, P., & Pomponio, F. (1993). I nomi di luogo dei testi di Ebla. Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza".
Archi, A., & Spada, G. (2023). Annual Documents of the Metal Expenditures (è) from Minister Ibrium’s Period (Archive L. 2769). Harrassowitz Verlag.
Baldacci, M. (1992). Partially Published Eblaite Texts. Istituto Universitario Orientale di Napoli.
Beld, S. G., Hallo, W. W., & Michalowski, P. (1984). The Tablets of Ebla. Concordance and Bibliography. Eisenbrauns.
☞ Reviewed by Davidović, JAOS 107 (1987), 330–331.
Biga, M. G. (2018). Gioielli per una fanciulla alla corte di Ebla. In A. Vacca, S. Pizzimenti, & M. G. Micale (Eds.), A Oriente del Delta. Scritti sull’Egitto ed il Vicino Oriente Antico in onore di Gabriella Scandone Matthiae (pp. 63–77). Scienze e lettere.
☞ In this paper, Biga offers the edition of TM.75.G.1679: the document registers expenditures of gold, silver, and jewels (also decorated with precious stones) for ti-a-ba-zu₂’s marriage with ba-du-lum (Ibrium’s son). Biga then proceeds with discussing the identity of the event’s main protagonists and their namesakes. She offers some remarks on the jewels mentioned in the texts (ti-gi-na, e₂ wa 2 da-bi₂-tumḫa-za-nu), in particular the KA.KAK.BU necklace. In her concluding remarks, Biga also discusses the expression nig₂-a-de₃ i₃-giš a sag and its variants, a formula connected to the wedding ritual at Ebla.
Bonechi, M. (1993). I nomi geografici dei testi di Ebla. Reichert.
Bonechi, M. (1997). Review of Partially Published Eblaite Texts by Masimo Baldacci. Revue d’Assyriologie Et d’archéologie Orientale, 91, 176–178.
Bonechi, M. (2013). Ebla. In D. C. Allison, V. Leppin, C. Seow, H. Spieckermann, B. D. Walfish, & E. Ziolkowski (Eds.), Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception (pp. 248–254).
Bonechi, M. (2016). Chi scrisse cosa a chi. Struttura e prosopografia di 75.2342 = ARET XIII 3, la “Lettera da Ḫamazi” eblaita. In P. Corò, E. Devecchi, N. De Zorzi, & M. Maiocchi (Eds.), Libiamo ne’ lieti calici. Ancient Near Eastern Studies Presented to Lucio Milano on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday by Pupils, Colleagues and Friends (pp. 3–27).
Bonechi, M. (2020). The Text of the Ebla Administrative Account TM.75.G.1866+10016 (ARET I 2 + ARET IV 23). Studia Eblaitica, 6, 143–152.
Bonechi, M. (2023). TM.75.G.5294 = ARET XII 858 + TM.75.G.2072 = ARET XIV 89, an Ebla Téléjoint. Nouvelles Assyriologiques Brèves Et Utilitaires, 2023/4, 10–11.
☞ In this note Bonechi proposes a new join between ARET XIV 89 = TM.75.G.2072 (published by Archi in 2023) and fragment ARET XII 858 = TM.75.G.5294 published in 2006 by Lahlou and Catagnoti. A new edition of the parts affected by the join is included. For the tablet, see ARET XIV 89 = TM.75.G.2072 + ARET XII 858 = TM.75.G.5294.
Borger, R. (2004). Mesopotamisches Zeichenlexikon. Ugarit.
Calcagnile, L., Quarta, G., & D’Elia, M. (2013). Just at that Time. 14C Determinations and Analysis from EB 4A Layer. In P. Matthiae & N. Marchetti (Eds.), Ebla and Its Landscape: Early State Formation in the Ancient Near East (pp. 450–458). Taylor & Francis.
☞ The paper provides an in-depth account of the methodologies and outcomes of the 14C analyses performed on sixteen samples extracted from short-lived plant species gathered from Royal Palace G and Building P4 between 1988 and 1990. The analyses ascertain that, apart from a single outlier, all samples are likely to date to calibrated years 2367–2293 BCE.
Catagnoti, A. (2012). La grammatica della lingua di Ebla. Università di Firenze.
Catagnoti, A. (2013). La paleografia dei testi dell’amministrazione e della cancelleria di Ebla. Università di Firenze.
Catagnoti, A. (2022). Mnamon: Eblaita.
Catagnoti, A., & Fronzaroli, P. (2020). Testi di cancelleria. Il re e i funzionari: Archivio L.2875. Parte II. Harrassowitz.
Conti, G. (1993). Il sistema grafico eblaita e la legge di Geers. Quaderni del Dipartimento di Linguistica, 4, 97–114.
D’Agostino, Franco. (1990). Il sistema verbale sumerico nei testi lessicali di Ebla: saggio di linguistica tassonomica. Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza".
Davidović, V. (1987). Review of The Tablets of Ebla: Concordance and Bibliography by Scott G. Beld, William W. Hallo, and Piotr Michalowski. Journal of the American Oriental Society, 107, 330–331.
de Sarzec, E. (1912). Découvertes en Chaldée (L. Heuzey, Ed.; Vol. 1–2). Ernest Leroux.
Di Filippo, F., Maiocchi, M., Milano, L., & Orsini, R. (2018). The “Ebla Digital Archives” Project: How to Deal With Methodological and Operational Issues in the Development of Cuneiform Texts Repositories. Archeologia e Calcolatori, 29, 117–142.
Di Filippo, F., Maiocchi, M., & Scarpa, E. (2023). La geo-localizzazione del materiale epigrafico del Grande Archivio L.2769 (Ebla, Siria): obiettivi e prospettive nel quadro del progetto Ebla Digital Archives. Scienze dell’Antichità, 29, 133–146.
Durand, J.-M. (2012). Sargon a-t-il détruit la ville de Mari ? Revue d’assyriologie et d’archéologie orientale, 106(1), 117–132.
Frayne, D. R. (1993). Sargonic and Gutian Periods (2234-2113 BC). University of Toronto Press.
Fronzaroli, P. (2003). Testi di cancelleria: I rapporti con le città (Archivio L.2769).
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Goodnick Westenholz, J. (1998). Object with Messages: Reading Old Akkadian Royal Inscriptions. Bibliotheca Orientalis, 55, 44–59.
Huehnergard, J., & Woods, C. (2008). Akkadian and Eblaite. In R. D. Woodard (Ed.), The Ancient Languages of Mesopotamia, Egypt and Aksum (pp. 83–152). Cambridge University Press.
Kogan, L. E., & Krebernik, M. (2021). Eblaite. In J.-P. Vita (Ed.), History of the Akkadian Language (pp. 664–989). Brill.
Krebernik, M. (1988). Die Personennamen der Ebla-Texte. Eine Zwischenbilanz. Reimer.
Krebernik, M. (1996). The Linguistic Classification of Eblaite. Methods, Problems, and Results. In J. S. Cooper & G. M. Schwartz (Eds.), The Study of the Ancient Near East in the Twenty-First Century: The William Foxwell Albright Centennial Conference (pp. 233–249). Eisenbrauns.
Lahlouh, M., & Catagnoti, A. (2006). Testi amministrativi di vario contenuto (Archivio L.2769: TM.75.G.4102-6050).
☞ This volume continues the publication of fragmentary texts from the Central Archive L.2769. It collects documents corresponding to inventory numbers TM.75.G.4102-6050, excluding lexical lists and texts from other categories currently being prepared for separate editions. The transcriptions were completed by Mohammed Lahlouh (nos. 1-808) and Amalia Catagnoti (nos. 809-1417) after Lahlouh’s passing. The volume was edited by Catagnoti, who compiled the indexes, including a Glossary with interpretations, correspondences, and comparisons with other Semitic languages. Most of the texts are administrative, with exceptions including a chancery fragment (ARET XII 620, now part of ARET XVI 1 = TM.75.G.2411+), a joined literary text (ARET XII 1024 = TM.75.G.5511, which joins ARET V 6 = TM.75.G.2421), and a possible lexical fragment (ARET XII 1227 = TM.75.G.5817; on this latter fragment, see Bonechi, ’Miscellaneous Notes’ [2021], pp.43-44).
Legrain, L. (1922). Historical Fragments. University Museum Press.
Lippolis, C., & Viano, M. (2016). "It Is Indeed a City, It Is Indeed a City! Who Knows Its Interior?” the Historical and Geographical Setting of Tūlūl al-Baqarat. Some Preliminary Remarks. Mesopotamia: Rivista Di Archeologia, Epigrafia e Storia Orientale Antica, 51, 143–145.
Matthiae, P. (1986). The Archives of the Royal Palace G of Ebla. Distribution and Arrangement of the Tablets According to the Archaeological Evidence. In K. R. Veenhof (Ed.), Cuneiform Archives and Libraries. Papers Read at the 30e Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale, Leiden 4-8 July 1983 (pp. 53–71).
Matthiae, P. (1995). Ebla: la città rivelata.
Matthiae, P. (2008). Gli archivi reali di Ebla: la scoperta, i testi, il significato. Mondadori.
Matthiae, P. (2013). A Long Journey. Fifty Years of Research on the Bronze Age at Tell Mardikh/Ebla. In P. Matthiae & N. Marchetti (Eds.), Ebla and Its Landscape: Early State Formation in the Ancient Near East (pp. 35–48). Left Coast Press.
Matthiae, P. (2014–2015). 50 Years of Ebla Discovery: Past, Present and Future. In P. Matthiae, M. Abdulkarim, F. Pinnock, & M. Alkhalid (Eds.), Studies on the Archaeology of Ebla After 50 Years of Discoveries (pp. 9–13).
Milano, L. (1990). Testi amministrativi: assegnazioni di prodotti alimentari (Archivio L.2712 - Parte I).
Molina, M. (2022). An Axehead from Iran Dedicated to Maništušu. ISIMU, 25, 163–176.
Pagan, J. M. (1998). A Morphological and Lexical Study of Personal Names in the Ebla Texts. Missione archeologica italiana in Siria.
Paoletti, P. (2015). The Lexical Texts from Ebla: Palaeography, Sign Identification and Scribes in the Early Dynastic Period. In E. Devecchi, G. G. W. Müller, & J. Mynářová (Eds.), Current Research in Cuneiform Palaeography: Proceedings of the Workshop Organised at the 60th Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale, Warsaw 2014 (pp. 49–69). PeWe-Verlag.
Paoletti, P. (2016). Die Paläographie der lexikalischen Texte aus Ebla: Einige erste Betrachtungen. In T. E. Balke & C. Tsouparopoulou (Eds.), Materiality of Writing in Early Mesopotamia (pp. 183–221). De Gruyter.
Pasquali, J. (1997). La terminologia semitica dei tessili nei testi di Ebla. Miscellanea Eblaitica, 4, 217–270.
Pasquali, J. (2005). Il lessico dell’artigianato nei testi di Ebla. Dipartimento di linguistica, Università di Firenze.
Pettinato, G. (1981). Testi lessicali monolingui della biblioteca L.2769. Istituto Universitario Orientale di Napoli.
Pettinato, G. (1996). Testi amministrativi di Ebla archivio L.2752. Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza".
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Pettinato, G., & D’Agostino, F. (1995). Thesaurus Inscriptionum Eblaicarum. Volume A, Parte Prima (a - AB×ÁŠ-mí). Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza".
Pettinato, G., & D’Agostino, F. (1996). Thesaurus Inscriptionum Eblaicarum. Volume A, Parte Seconda (áb - az). Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza".
Pettinato, G., & D’Agostino, F. (1998). Thesaurus Inscriptionum Eblaicarum. Volume B. Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza".
Pettinato, G., & Seminara, S. (2005). Thesaurus Inscriptionum Eblaicarum. Volume D. Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza".
Peyronel, L. (2006). Il palazzo e il mercante. Riflessioni sui sistemi di scambio nella Siria del III millennio a.C. In C. Mora & P. Piacentini (Eds.), L’ufficio e il documento. I luoghi, i modi, gli strumenti dell’amministrazione in Egitto e nel Vicino Oriente antico (pp. 257–280).
Poebel, A. (1914). Historical and Grammatical Texts. University Museum.
Pomponio, F. (2008). Testi amministrativi: assegnazioni mensili di tessuti, periodo di Arrugum (Archivio L.2769). Parte I.
Pomponio, F. (2013). Testi amministrativi: assegnazioni mensili di tessuti, periodo di Arrugum (Archivio L.2769). Parte II.
Pomponio, F., & Xella, P. (1997). Les dieux d’Ebla: étude analytique des divinités éblaïtes à l’époque des archives royales du IIIe millénaire. Ugarit.
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Salgues, E. (2011). Naram-Sin’s Conquests of Subartu and Armanum. In G. Barjamovic, J. Dahl, U. S. Koch, W. Sommerfeld, & J. Goodnick Westenholz (Eds.), Akkade is King. A Colleciton of Papers by Friends and Collegaues Presented to Aake Westenholz on the Occasion of His 70th Birthday 15th of May 2009 (pp. 253–272).
Sallaberger, W. (2001). Die Entwicklung der Keilschrift in Ebla. In J.-W. Meyer, M. Novák, & A. Pruß (Eds.), Beiträge zur Vorderasiatischen Archäologie: Winfried Orthmann gewidmet (pp. 436–445). Archäologisches Inst.
Samir, I. (2019). Wirtschaftstexte: Monatliche Buchführung über Textilien aus Ibriums Amtszeit (Archiv L. 2769). Harrassowitz.
☞ This volume represents an expanded and revised version of Imad Samir’s doctoral thesis, originally published by Saarland University in 2001. Titled "Buchführung über Textilien: Kommentierte Erstbearbeitung einer Gruppe von Wirtschaftstexten aus dem Ebla-Archiv L.2769," the book focuses on twenty monthly accounts of textiles dated to the time of minister Ibrium. While most of these texts are published for the first time, some fragments had been previously featured in publications such as MEE 2, ARET III, and XII. The introduction provides an overview of different types of fabrics, clothing, recipients, and relevant administrative terminology. Additionally, an attempt is made to establish a relative dating of these texts through a prosopographical study of the names of family members of the ruler of Ebla and others, as well as through the analysis of certain graphic features.For a review of the book, see Pasquali, ’Comptabilisation des tissus’ (2020).
Scarpa, E. (2017). The City of Ebla. A Complete Bibliography of Its Archaeological and Textual Remains. Edizioni Ca’ Foscari.
Scarpa, E. (2021a). Addenda et corrigenda to Studies in Eblaite Prosopography:” The dumu-nita en. Nouvelles Assyriologiques Brèves Et Utilitaires, 2021/27, 72–75.
Scarpa, E. (2021b). All the Kings’ Sons: The Role and Tasks of the dumu-nita en at Ebla (Syria, 24th cent. BCE). KASKAL. Rivista di storia, ambienti e culture del Vicino Oriente Antico, 18, 25–54.
Scarpa, E. (2021c). Kings’ ladies at Ebla’s court. Nouvelles Assyriologiques Brèves Et Utilitaires, 2021/26, 69–72.
Scarpa, E. (2023). The Digitization Process of the Spatial Data on the Epigraphic Discoveries from the Central Archive L.2769 (Palace G, Ebla): A Comprehensive Overview. Studia Eblaitica, 9, 1–63.
Sollberger, E. (1986). Administrative Texts Chiefly Concerning Textiles (L.2752). Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza".
Tonietti, M. V. (1988). La figura del nar nei testi di Ebla. Ipotesi per una cronologia delle liste di nomi presenti nei testi economici. Miscellanea Eblaitica, 1, 79–119.
Tonietti, M. V. (1989a). Aggiornamento alla cronologia dei nar. Miscellanea Eblaitica, 2, 117–129.
Tonietti, M. V. (1989b). Le liste delle dam en: cronologia interna. Criteri ed elementi per una datazione relativa dei testi economici di Ebla. Miscellanea Eblaitica, 2, 79–115.
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Tonietti, M. V. (2018). Classification of the Ebla Language: Developments from the Ebla Archive and Contemporary Evidence. Studia Eblaitica, 4, 1–16.