
The ancient city of Ebla offers a window into the rich cultural and historical milieu of ancient Syria. Through ongoing research efforts, scholars continue to unlock the secrets of this remarkable civilization. This primer serves as a foundational resource for those seeking a clear and engaging introduction to Ebla’s history, culture, and the ongoing research that sheds light on its enduring legacy. This primer is available as an online book, PDF, or ePub. Please refer to this work as

Erica Scarpa. (2024). The City of Ebla: A Primer (v.0.1.0). Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.11200608

I’d like to express my gratitude to Pavla Rosenstein. Her initial request and guidance were instrumental in crafting an accessible introduction to Eblaite studies for the readers of Mar Shiprim. It was her invitation that sparked the idea for this ongoing project.

This primer is available on Zenodo (https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.11200608) and will be expanded and updated as a permanent project in the future.


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  1. Italian National Research Council - Institute of Heritage Science, (ORCID 0000-0001-6250-304X).↩︎