[Journal Article] Società, amministrazione ed economia nella babilonia di età cassita: un progetto di digital prosopography

This paper studies interactions in Kassite Babylonia using a prosopographical database to analyze actors’ roles based on their activities and interactions.

January 2023 · Elena Devecchi, Erica Scarpa

[Journal Article] The Business of Mr. Ninurta-zākir-šumi: Activities of an Official Within the Kassite Administration

This paper examines the life and administrative role of Ninurta-zākir-šumi during the Middle Kassite period, using newly discovered tablets to provide a more detailed picture of his activities in the Nippur region. By reconstructing his family lineage, the paper also connects him to the influential House of Enlil-kidinnī. This research contributes to a deeper understanding of his role in managing resources in the Nippur countryside.

January 2023 · Erica Scarpa

The Reconstruction of Eblaite Society Based on the Written Record: Between Traditional and Innovative approaches

Research Seminars of the Subject Group for Egyptology and Ancient Near Eastern Studies at the Faculty of Oriental Studies (EANES), Oxford

February 2021 · Erica Scarpa

[PhD Dissertation] Social History Through Textual Patterns: Study on the Social Organization at Ebla During the Age of the Archives (Syria, 24th Century Bce)

The objective of this research is to propose a model of Eblaite society by utilizing the data present in the Royal Archives’ documentation. To achieve this, the study employs keywords derived from the Ebla texts that designate various professional categories. Through the application of a sociological and socio-historical methodology, a model is developed that enables an understanding of the levels of interaction and hierarchical structure characterizing different elements within Eblaite society.

February 2020 · Erica Scarpa