Ninurta-zākir-šumi: Activities of an Official in the Kassite Administration

From Names to Persons, from Persons to Society: Case Studies from Hatti, Babylonia and Assyria, Torino

June 2023 · Erica Scarpa

[Journal Article] Società, amministrazione ed economia nella babilonia di età cassita: un progetto di digital prosopography

This paper studies interactions in Kassite Babylonia using a prosopographical database to analyze actors’ roles based on their activities and interactions.

January 2023 · Elena Devecchi, Erica Scarpa

[Journal Article] The Business of Mr. Ninurta-zākir-šumi: Activities of an Official Within the Kassite Administration

This paper examines the life and administrative role of Ninurta-zākir-šumi during the Middle Kassite period, using newly discovered tablets to provide a more detailed picture of his activities in the Nippur region. By reconstructing his family lineage, the paper also connects him to the influential House of Enlil-kidinnī. This research contributes to a deeper understanding of his role in managing resources in the Nippur countryside.

January 2023 · Erica Scarpa

Kassite Prosopographic Records

The project aims to investigate the management of primary resources in Kassite Babylonia (XIV-XIII cent. BC) through a prosopographic study of individuals and social groups that appear in contemporary cuneiform administrative documents.

June 2022 · with Elena Devecchi

Società, amministrazione ed economia nella Babilonia di epoca cassita. Un progetto di digital prosopography

Egitto e Vicino Oriente, Roma

June 2022 · Elena Devecchi, Erica Scarpa