The Digitization of the Spatial Data on the Epigraphic Discoveries from the Central Archive L.2769

68 Rencontre Assyriologique Internaltionale, Leiden

July 2023 · Erica Scarpa

[Journal Article] La geo-localizzazione del materiale epigrafico del Grande Archivio L.2769 (Ebla, Siria): obiettivi e prospettive nel quadro del progetto Ebla Digital Archives

The Ebla archive offers a rare glimpse into ancient record-keeping thanks to detailed excavation data. This paper explores challenges in studying the archive. It proposes solutions for preserving information, digitizing data, and integrating spatial and textual analyses through a dedicated platform.

January 2023 · Francesco Di Filippo, Massimo Maiocchi, Erica Scarpa

[Journal Article] The Digitization Process of the Spatial Data on the Epigraphic Discoveries from the Central Archive L.2769 (Palace G, Ebla): A Comprehensive Overview

This paper offers an overview of the digitization process of the spatial data referring to epigraphic findings from L.2769 collected thus far as well as a comprehensive assessment of the findspot registration system.

January 2023 · Erica Scarpa

La digitalizzazione dei dati di localizzazione del materiale epigrafico rinvenuto presso il Grande Archivio L.2769 (Ebla, Siria): obiettivi e prospettive

Egitto e Vicino Oriente, Roma

July 2022 · Massimo Maiocchi, Francesco di Filippo, Lucio Milano, Erica Scarpa

Ebla Digital Archives

The Ebla Digital Archives project started in 2007 through a collaboration between Ca’ Foscari University of Venice and the National Research Council (CNR).

June 2022 · with Massimo Maiocchi Francesco Di Filippo, Lucio Milano

Fashionable Outfits: Assessing the Socio-historical Value of Textile Sets at Ebla through Textual Pattern Recognition

Of Numbers and Magnitudes. Measure and Value at Presargonic Ebla. Workshop of the Rome research unit of the PRIN 2017 ‘Big DEA’, Roma

March 2022 · Erica Scarpa

The Reconstruction of Eblaite Society Based on the Written Record: Between Traditional and Innovative approaches

Research Seminars of the Subject Group for Egyptology and Ancient Near Eastern Studies at the Faculty of Oriental Studies (EANES), Oxford

February 2021 · Erica Scarpa

[Journal Article] All the Kings’ Sons: The Role and Tasks of the dumu-nita en at Ebla (Syria, 24th cent. BCE)

This study aims to examine the functions and roles of the royal sons at Ebla during the archival period, taking into account their kinship ties with other members of the royal family.

January 2021 · Erica Scarpa

[Journal Article] Visibility Threshold: Some Considerations on Data Mining Applied to the Study of Eblaite Society

Some considerations on text mining applied to cuneiform sources

January 2021 · Erica Scarpa

[Short Note] Addenda et corrigenda to “Studies in Eblaite Prosopography:” the dumu-nita en

The Great Archive L.2769 contains a significant number of documents that make repeated mentions of the sons of the Eblaite kings, referred to as ‘dumu-nita en’. This note aims to review and update the information available pertaining to the royal sons.

January 2021 · Erica Scarpa

[Short Note] Kings’ Ladies at Ebla’s Court

The ‘dam en list’ refers to sections of administrative tablets that mention female members of the Ebla royal family. Since Tonietti’s study in 1989, three new complete lists of dam en have been published, with additional fragmentary lists discovered later. In this note, I provide an updated index of the dam en lists and offer some general remarks.

January 2021 · Erica Scarpa

[PhD Dissertation] Social History Through Textual Patterns: Study on the Social Organization at Ebla During the Age of the Archives (Syria, 24th Century Bce)

The objective of this research is to propose a model of Eblaite society by utilizing the data present in the Royal Archives’ documentation. To achieve this, the study employs keywords derived from the Ebla texts that designate various professional categories. Through the application of a sociological and socio-historical methodology, a model is developed that enables an understanding of the levels of interaction and hierarchical structure characterizing different elements within Eblaite society.

February 2020 · Erica Scarpa

Don’t Fear, Don’t Trust: Some Methodological Considerations on Data Mining and Data Visualization Applied to Cuneiform Sources

Thinking Digital in Cuneiform Studies: Methods, Problems, Perspectives, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice

March 2018 · Erica Scarpa

The maškim Network

LXIII Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale, Dealing with Antiquity – Past, Present, and Future, Philipps-Universität, Marburg

July 2017 · Erica Scarpa

[Book] The City of Ebla. A Complete Bibliography of Its Archaeological and Textual Remains

This book lists more than 2,600 bibliographical entries referring to books, articles, and digital resources concerned with the ancient city of Ebla (modern Tell Mardikh, Syria, XXIV century BCE). The volume provides a comprehensive collection of philological, archaeological, and historical studies on Ebla from 1965 to present day.

June 2017 · Erica Scarpa

[Conference Proceedings] Untangling the Past: l’assiriologia e le reti sociali come strumento di indagine storica

In recent years, significant progress has been made in the field of Assyriology, leading to a renewal of the traditional methods upon which the discipline is built. These advancements range from the development of online databases for cuneiform texts to the incorporation of investigative tools from other disciplines, such as Social Network Analysis.

January 2017 · Erica Scarpa