The Digitization of the Spatial Data on the Epigraphic Discoveries from the Central Archive L.2769

68 Rencontre Assyriologique Internaltionale, Leiden

July 2023 · Erica Scarpa

Ninurta-zākir-šumi: Activities of an Official in the Kassite Administration

From Names to Persons, from Persons to Society: Case Studies from Hatti, Babylonia and Assyria, Torino

June 2023 · Erica Scarpa

La digitalizzazione dei dati di localizzazione del materiale epigrafico rinvenuto presso il Grande Archivio L.2769 (Ebla, Siria): obiettivi e prospettive

Egitto e Vicino Oriente, Roma

July 2022 · Massimo Maiocchi, Francesco di Filippo, Lucio Milano, Erica Scarpa

Società, amministrazione ed economia nella Babilonia di epoca cassita. Un progetto di digital prosopography

Egitto e Vicino Oriente, Roma

June 2022 · Elena Devecchi, Erica Scarpa

Fashionable Outfits: Assessing the Socio-historical Value of Textile Sets at Ebla through Textual Pattern Recognition

Of Numbers and Magnitudes. Measure and Value at Presargonic Ebla. Workshop of the Rome research unit of the PRIN 2017 ‘Big DEA’, Roma

March 2022 · Erica Scarpa

The Reconstruction of Eblaite Society Based on the Written Record: Between Traditional and Innovative approaches

Research Seminars of the Subject Group for Egyptology and Ancient Near Eastern Studies at the Faculty of Oriental Studies (EANES), Oxford

February 2021 · Erica Scarpa

Don’t Fear, Don’t Trust: Some Methodological Considerations on Data Mining and Data Visualization Applied to Cuneiform Sources

Thinking Digital in Cuneiform Studies: Methods, Problems, Perspectives, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice

March 2018 · Erica Scarpa

The maškim Network

LXIII Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale, Dealing with Antiquity – Past, Present, and Future, Philipps-Universität, Marburg

July 2017 · Erica Scarpa